


Science Doctor
  • Current activity :Tech Investor
  • Location :UK




As an UK tech investor, I’m currently engaged in both passive and active investment in tech development projects and startups.

In the past, I had a distinguished career in the Oil and Gas sector, where I combined my professional and academic expertise. My scientific contributions in the industry laid the foundation for my career. Key milestones include:

• 2004: Diploma in “Economics and Management at an Oil and Gas Enterprise” from the I. M. Gubkin State Academy of Oil and Gas, Moscow.
• 2006: PhD in Technical Sciences, awarded by the Dissertation Council of the Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar.
• 2009: Advanced Diploma in “Economics and Management at an Oil and Gas Enterprise” from Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
• 2010: Executive MBA from the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University.
• 2011: MBA in “International Business in the Oil and Gas Industry” from Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
• 2013: Doctor of Economics, PhD awarded by the Dissertation Council of the State University of Management.

I also held teaching positions in Economics and Management at the Russian State Hydro-Meteorological University, Tuapse Branch, and was a former member of the Russian Academy of Natural History.

My professional career was devoted to applying my scientific achievements in the Oil and Gas industry. Until the end of 2014, I held various managerial and non-executive roles within Rosneft and its subsidiaries. This culminated in my appointment as Vice President for Capital Construction and a Member of the Management Board of Rosneft Oil Company from March 2013 to December 2014.


Scientific articles &


Scientific articles and researches published by Andrey Votinov

Votinov A.V. Strategies of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region

- M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2009. (10.1 pp.) / Вотинов А.В. Стратегии российских вертикально-интегрированных нефтяных компаний в черноморско-средиземноморском регионе. – М.: ОМЭПИ ИЭ РАН, 2009. (10,1 п.л.)

Votinov A.V. Development of the berthing complex in the port of Tuapse: modern engineering and economic approaches

M., Max-press, 2011 (17.5 pp.). / Вотинов А.В. Развитие причального комплекса в порту Туапсе: современные инженерно-экономические подходы. – М., Макс-пресс, 2011 (17,5 п.л.).

Votinov A.V. Foreign economic relations of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region.

Novocherkassk: LIK, 2012 (8.5 pp.). / Вотинов А.В. Внешнеэкономические связи российских ВИНК в черноморско-средиземноморском регионе. – Новочеркасск: ЛИК, 2012 (8,5 п.л.).

Integrated oil companies of Russia in the system of international economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region

M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2013. (11.7 pp.) / Вотинов А.В. Вертикально-интегрированные нефтяные компании России в системе международного экономического сотрудничества в черноморско-средиземноморском регионе (транспортные аспекты). – М.: ОМЭПИ ИЭ РАН, 2013. (11,7 п.л.)

Votinov A.V. Foreign economic relations of Russian vertically integrated oil companies in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region.

Novocherkassk: LIK, 2012 (8.5 pp.). / Вотинов А.В. Внешнеэкономические связи российских ВИНК в черноморско-средиземноморском регионе. – Новочеркасск: ЛИК, 2012 (8,5 п.л.).

Integrated oil companies of Russia in the system of international economic cooperation in the Black Sea-Mediterranean region

M .: OMEPI IE RAS, 2013. (11.7 pp.) / Вотинов А.В. Вертикально-интегрированные нефтяные компании России в системе международного экономического сотрудничества в черноморско-средиземноморском регионе (транспортные аспекты). – М.: ОМЭПИ ИЭ РАН, 2013. (11,7 п.л.)

Degree &


Articles in journals from the list of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published:

Votinov A.V. Ways to improve the reliability of compensation systems of technological pipelines

Oil and Gas Business. 2005. No. 1 (0.5 pp.) / Вотинов А.В. Пути повышения надежности компенсационных систем технологических трубопроводов // Нефтегазовое дело. 2005. №1. (0,5 п.л.)

Votinov A.V. New refining capacities in the Black Sea: Tuapse Refinery

Oil, Gas and Business. 2011. No. 11 (0.6 pp.)
Вотинов А.В. Новые нефтеперерабатывающие мощности на Черном море: Туапсинский НПЗ // Нефть, газ и бизнес». 2011. №.11 (0,6 п.л.)

Votinov A.V. Development of the Russian system of offshore oil terminals on the Black Sea: Tuapse deepwater

Oil, Gas and Business. 2011. No. 12. (0.5 pp.)
Вотинов А.В. Развитие российской системы морских нефтяных терминалов на черном море: Туапсинский глубоководный// Нефть, газ и бизнес. 2011. №12. (0,5 п.л.)

Votinov A.V. On the Prospects of Supply and Demand for Light Oil Products in Europe and the USA

Exposition Oil Gas. 2012. No. 1. (0.7 pp.)
Вотинов А.В. К вопросу о перспективах спроса и предложения на светлые нефтепродукты в Европе и США // Экспозиция Нефть Газ. 2012. №1. (0,7 п.л.)

View all Scientific articles and researches published by Andrey Votinov

Companies I’m Working With

Currently, I am engaged as both a passive and active investor in tech development projects and startups.

Location: UK

Techn Investor
2009 - 2013